Dainenbutsu Kyogen (大念仏狂言)

Dainenbutsu kyogen, a silent play created from the teachings of the Yuzu Nenbutsu (reciting the name of Amida Buddha) sect (also known as Dainenbutsu), was revived by Enkaku Shonin.

Yuzu Nenbutsu was started by Ryonin (also known as Shoo Daishi) and is a Nenbutsu Kyogen (Japanese play) created to spread its teachings, with Dainenbutsu-ji Temple (Hirano-ku Ward, Osaka City) in Settsu Province serving as a base. Yuzu Nenbutsu became popular in the Seiryo-ji and Mibu-dera temples in Kyoto, and Dainenbutsu Kyogen of Enkaku Shonin was passed down at Mibu-dera Temple, Seiryo-ji Temple, Senbon Enmado and Shinsenen.

[Original Japanese]